We understand auditioning can be a daunting process and we hope to make your audition experience as enjoyable as possible. We make allowances for nerves and want to see you do your best.

Our audition process is designed to allow you to be as comfortable and free as possible. We are not looking for the greatest actor in the world! Instead we want to get to know YOU as the actor you are NOW. For us, it is about making sure this course is right for you and that we believe that through your experience of the course you will grow to become an actor with your own unique individuality ready to claim your space at the end of your two years of training.

You will be required to prepare two (2) monologues for your audition. You may select the monologues from the JMC Monologues or they may be of your own choosing. You now have the option to audition with either:

Choose the combination that best showcases your talent and range.

Here are a few hints on how to best prepare and enjoy your audition with us:

You will be required to prepare two (2) monologues for your audition. You may select the monologues from the JMC Monologues or they may be of your own choosing. You now have the option to audition with either: 

  • Two contemporary monologues, or
  • One contemporary monologue and one Shakespearean monologue

Our best advice is to BE PREPARED: read and re-read the play to know your character, the context of the piece, what your character wants, and who they are talking to; know your lines; know what you mean and what you say.

Keep in mind that we want to see you at your best, so make choices that appeal to you and ones that you feel a connection with. Your pieces should be no longer than two (2) minutes long.

An acting school audition is different from an audition in the industry. We are not looking for a particular “type” or fitting an actor to a specific role. We celebrate the individual. This is YOUR audition – so it is about YOU.

Broadly, we look for three main qualities in our applicants:

1. INSTINCT – This relates to your interpretation of your monologue and your choices in performance. We want to see an actor who has made bold choices, given thought to the given circumstances of the story, and is working as organically as possible, moment to moment, in the audition.

2. TRAINABILITY – We want to make sure you are the right fit for our course, that you are ready for the training, and that your talents and skills will grow as you progress through the course.

3. READINESS – This relates to your personal readiness for the course. JMC's acting course is highly rewarding but can also be very challenging. We want to ensure that you are personally prepared and have appropriate resources and support networks to help you navigate the demands of the course.

Every applicant is different. It is our intention to see the best we possibly can from you, so we may ask you to perform your monologues one after the other – or we may give you direction on one or all of your monologues – or we may work with you on an acting exercise – or we might do a combination of all these.

Whatever happens in the audition room, just remember that we are doing it to help you be your best. We know that you will be nervous, and we will take this into account, but please be aware that if you have learned the lines well, the nerves will become performance energy and not paralyse you.

In summary, here are some general hints to keep in mind:

  • Be well-prepared (we cannot stress this enough!) and allow sufficient lead time to prepare. Two (2) weeks per monologue is a good guide. We do not expect highly polished work, and it can in fact work against you if you are locked into one way of performing a piece. So also be prepared to take direction and perform your piece in a variety of ways if directed.
  • Know what each scene and speech is about and read the entire play from which it comes so that you are aware of the context of the piece.
  • If you are performing a monologue from a film – DON’T replicate what you see in the film. A film monologue needs to be authentically YOURS, not a copy of somebody else’s.
  • Think about doing your preparation with another person as your scene partner or your audience.
  • Basic furniture only will be available, but do not plan to use hand props or costumes.
  • Don’t use an accent other than your own unless it is absolutely essential to the piece and you are 100% comfortable with the accent.

When preparing, ask some vital questions of the piece including:

  • WHO is the character, and what is their relationship to the person they are talking to?
  • What are they DOING to achieve this want?
  • What does the character WANT in the piece?
  • WHERE is the character in the piece (time and place)?
  • WHY is the character doing and saying what they are doing and saying?

Make bold choices in your interpretation and in your performance. Be BRAVE – TRUST your instincts – Be FEARLESS! Have FUN – we are here to support you.

Arrive a little before your scheduled time. Come to the front desk and introduce yourself. 

Then the Course Director and Student Admissions staff will bring you to the audition room, and the process begins!

  • MONOLOGUE #1: You will perform your first monologue. It’s up to you which one you would like to start with, but we usually suggest doing the one that you are most nervous about! It feels good to get it out of the way.
  • MONOLOGUE #2: You will then move on to your second monologue.
  • RE-WORK ONE OF YOUR MONOLOGUES: We will then work with you on one of your monologues. We might ask you to change something in the monologue, sometimes we will bring an actor into the room for you to work with, and sometimes we might get you to do an acting exercise.
  • WRITTEN TASK: This is a short written task. Don’t worry, we don’t want an essay!
  • INTERVIEW: We then have the interview where we find out more about YOU. Why you want to do it – what you want to get out of it – why acting is important to you.

There are three possible outcomes from your audition: 

ACCEPTED: In this case, you have successfully met all the entry requirements, and the Board of Studies has agreed to offer you a place in the course.

CALL-BACK: In this case, you have done some great work in your audition, and we really want to see more of you! Sometimes we might ask you to prepare something specific for your call-back, but this all depends on the case.

UNSUCCESSFUL: In this case, you have not met the entry requirements for the course at this stage. You are always welcome and encouraged to re-audition for our next intake.

You will be notified of the outcome of your audition within 3–5 working days. This time is required to assess your application fully and for the necessary academic and administrative processes to be completed.

Selection of Applicants

Selection is based entirely on the audition results, and offers will be made based on the applicant’s suitability for the course and JMC’s training methods. Applicants who receive an offer will be notified by telephone and email or mail and will be given seven (7) days to make a decision to accept.


Everyone gets nervous! We know that, and that's why we support you all the way through it. It's actually FUN! You will learn a lot from the audition, and it's a great way to get to know us and the academy. It is YOUR audition – you DESERVE to be here – we WANT you to do well!

We look forward to meeting you! If you have any questions or concerns, please call us on 1300 410 311.


JMC Monologues