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The 2024 Canvas Art Competition

Win a Wacom One Creative Pen Display!

JMC is excited to launch the Canvas Award Competition for 2024, showcasing the incredible work of young artists and designers in years 9-12 who are taking creativity to the next level.
Wacom One

What do I need to do?

If you are a high school student in years 9-12 with a knack for drawing, painting or using creative digital mediums, we invite you to creatively interpret the below brief into an illustrated scene:
                                  "A creature in its native environment"

You must include a “RUBBER DUCK” somewhere in your scenes.

What can I submit?

All artists are unique in their abilities, to reflect that we are opening the competition to various mediums. You can submit:

  • Analogue Artwork - using non-digital/traditional materials such as pencils, paints, paper and canvas.
  • Digital 2D Artwork - using digital tools such as a tablet or computer.
  • 3D Artwork - three dimensional art work such as 3D modelling or animation.
  • Comic Strip - is a visual representation of a story and a chronological narrative, which can be hand drawn or on a computer, maximum 6 boxes
  • Interactive Novel - great explainer video can be found here
  • Storyboard - is more of a guide of your story and can be done traditionally or digitally.  You can include descriptions of camera angles. 
  • Any combination of the above

How long do I have?

Submissions for the 2024 Canvas Art Competition close on Sunday 30th June 2024.

Who can join the competition?

  • The Canvas Art Competition is open to high school students in years 9-12 in all Australian States and Territories
  • Work must be completed over the past year (from January 1st 2023)

Canvas Art Award 2023 Winner Colin Chi (Brisbane)

What not to submit

  • Work based on other artists' ideas or images, this is your time to show us YOUR ideas!
  • Work generated through AI (Artificial Intelligence) platforms (such as MidJourney)
  • Images that are offensive or divisive
  • Work completed by a group (this is an individual competition)

Technical specifications of entries

  • All work must be submitted electronically (scan, photograph or export) as a A4 PDF, high quality JPG file, TIFF, MP4 or MOV file
  • Maximum PDF page count is five (5) pages
  • Please keep file sizes to 20MB max
  • Please keep any video file length to sixty (60) seconds max


Reach out to the Creative Outreach team at if you have any questions.

Canvas Art Award 2022 Winner M. Vanderkolk (Melbourne)

Canvas Art Award 2022 Winner C. Buse (Brisbane)