Developing a game from start to finish requires a fine-tuned process and time, but some students opted for a 48-hour challenge!

We are looking back on the year that was 2020! Whilst there wasn't much opportunity to create in person collectively, Melbourne managed to squeeze in the chance to host a Global Event before lockdown! 

JMC students and staff in Melbourne had the opportunity to get involved with Global Game Jam 2020, a worldwide 48-hour challenge in developing games. The event centers around creating a global creative buzz in the gaming and animation industry, bringing everyone’s development skills to life.

We caught up with JMC attendee and gamer Annalise Valastro to check out how this year’s jam went, talking us through her personal experience and end product.

Give us a rundown on what Global Game Jam was all about?

The Global Game Jam is an event where game developers from around the world come together to create their own unique games in under 48 hours. Every year there's a new prompt, and it's a great opportunity for developers to meet those in their local areas, or even worldwide!

What game did you end up creating over the weekend?

This year's theme was “repair”. My team's concept was a game about a terrible chef who can't cook, and the aim was for the player to fix all the chef's mistakes without him noticing.

What were some of the highlights of the Jam?

For me, the biggest highlight was working with my friends both new and existing! We had a really great time, even if the outcome wasn't what we hoped it would be. Also, meeting and chatting with those working close to us since they were all so lovely and I'm glad to have met them!

Want to study Game Design at JMC?

Were there any obstacles that got in the way of completing your game?

For us, the biggest issue was over scoping the project! We had settled on something that we thought was achievable when in reality, we should have decreased the scope tenfold. We hadn't planned for setbacks so unfortunately our game wasn't complete when we submitted.

Why do you think opportunities like this are important for students?

Opportunities like this are so important for students because they allow us to meet and talk to those already working in the industry. I learned so much from just seeing how others worked and listening to their experiences. I found it to be a great refresher before starting UNI again this trimester, going over all my skills and putting them into practice before all the major projects I’ll have coming up throughout the year. I highly recommend participating in one of these Game Jams! It's an invaluable experience I guarantee you won't have anywhere else.

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