The time has come once again to welcome a new cohort of students into our JMC community!

This also means that our existing students will be delving deeper and levelling up in their studies- huge achievements all round!

To kick off this Trimester, we wanted to offer some words of wisdom to our newest creative brains and thought to ourselves, who better to offer advice than those who had been in these shoes themselves? Taking to social media, we asked JMC students for their best advice to new students - this is some of what they had to share.

“Everyone is just as nervous as you are, you won’t feel alone” - @ayshadunbar

“Be yourself! Embrace every opportunity!” - @rem_carter_

“Be open minded. You will make mistakes, you just have to embrace and learn from it” - @chloeryderr

“Don't be afraid of the volunteer opportunities!! Do as many as you can!!” - @jordy_babes

“Remember that everyone is there to support you <3” - @ekidnaaa

“Get a planner!!!!!!!!!” - @willowwwb

“Join a club, make friends! Don’t just hit the books while at JMC” - @kevin_the_blazdonian

“Be open-minded to befriending everyone!! Lots of people seem intimidating but they are the best!!” - @chiaras_clubhouse

““Countdown timer plus” on your laptop for assignments is the BEST thing” - @danimcrystal

“Mingle, go explore, get lunch together & remember you’re all in the same boat. Nerves is okay” - @ashleigh.lauree

“Don’t be scared to be you, and enjoy JMC for everything it has to offer.” - @kpgplays

Well, what can we say? Couldn’t have put it better ourselves.

See you around campus for Tri 2!

Still thinking about studying at JMC?

Get in touch with our team to apply!