Applications via JMC Academy

After you submit your application to JMC Academy, we will send you a confirmation email acknowledging receipt of your application.

If you have been assigned a Student Admissions Advisor you should reach out to them directly for questions. 

Your confirmation email also contains the campus-specific contact details that you can reach out to in the event that your assigned Student Admissions Advisor is unable to respond in your required timeframe. In this situation another Student Admissions Advisor or the Student Admissions Team Leader will attempt to reach out to you. 

Hours of operations are typically 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday local time. 


Applications via VTAC

Log in to VTAC to check your application status. 

Feel free to reach out to the Melbourne admissions team if you need assistance or for confirmation. 

If you haven't already seen it, check out out our VTAC Guidelines on how to apply. 


Experiencing Issues?

For issues or to escalate your query please contact