The Application Process

1) Application

Once you've met our general entry criteria, you're all set to begin your application process with us. For year 12 students in Victoria, please ensure you also consult the VTAC Guidelines to fully understand the application requirements.

Apply for a Bachelor Degree, Diploma, Masters or Vocational course online.

Apply Online Now

2) Call with a Student Admissions Advisor

Once your application is received, one of our Student Admissions Advisors will contact you. This call is to confirm the details of your application and evaluate the most suitable course and study options for you. If your aspirations align with our offerings, we'll arrange a more in-depth on-campus interview to further guide you through the next steps of your academic journey.

3) Interview + Optional Personal Tour

The interview is a relaxed and friendly chat where we get to know more about what you're passionate about, your skills, and how well our programs might suit you. Think of it as an opportunity to share your story and let us see the enthusiasm you have for your chosen field.

And don't worry, you're welcome to bring along your family, friends, or anyone else who supports you – we're all about making this experience comfortable and reassuring for you.

Optional Personal Tour: While there are multiple opportunities to see the campus prior to the interview, should you wish to see the campus at this stage, we'd be glad to show you around.

4) Share Your Talent with Us [specific courses only]

Applicants for some courses may also be required to provide additional information or audition during their consultation to demonstrate your talents and artistic abilities. These auditions are designed not just to assess your current level, but to gauge your potential for growth and development in our dynamic learning environment.

Students required to perform an audition will receive feedback on their performance on the day. In most cases we will be able to schedule your audition on the same day/time as your interview.

Regional or interstate applicants who are unable to attend in person can organise to audition online over Teams/Skype or send through a video link to their performance.


Showcase your talents at an audition to demonstrate your style & musicianship. Two contrasting pieces of music of your own choice must be performed - either with a live accompanist (provided) or backing track - and should not exceed 10 minutes in total.


Songwriting applicants can either:

  • Perform two contrasting pieces of music of your own choice - either with a live accompanist (provided) or backing track - and should not exceed 10 minutes in total


  • Can submit a folio and should include original songs consisting of recordings, lyric sheets or charts.


While Music Production applicants do not need to perform live, they are required to provide on the day or prior, either:

  • 2 Exported tracks to .mp3 or WAV format
  • Screenshots of DAW session

  • Commentary, or written information, of track creation with any specific samples, plug-ins or recorded live instruments detailed.


Acting applicants will be required to prepare and memorize two (2) monologues for your audition. You now have the option to audition with either:

  • Two contemporary monologues, or
  • One contemporary monologue and one Shakespearean monologue

The monologues can be chosen from JMC's suggestions or the applicant's own selection from any published play or film.


Music Theatre applicants must prepare and memorise a contemporary monologue (1-2 minutes), a solo musical piece (2-3 minutes) with sheet music in the correct key, and attend a group dance audition wearing comfortable clothes and flexible-soled shoes. The monologue and musical piece can be chosen from either JMC's suggestions or the applicant's own selection.

You are encouraged to bring along any samples at all of work you've completed either in your free time or during alternative study. The portfolio should contain at least five pieces of work that demonstrate your creativity and may include drawings, paintings, photography, design work, stories and more. This can be shown on a device or in hard copy format. This will help us assess your general aptitude and passion for the course.

5) Formal Offer

Successful applicants will be made a formal offer of enrolment in most instances on the day of your interview. We'll send you a link to to our online enrolment form. 

6) Acceptance of Offer

To accept JMC Academy's offer, you must complete the enrolment form. The enrolment form can only be processed if:

  • All relevant information is provided
  • All signatures are provided as requested

Students under 18 years of age must obtain a guarantee signature from a parent or guardian.

7) You're In! What Now?

You'll be introduced to your Onboarding Advisor whose role it is to welcome new students and ensuring a smooth transition into our educational community. These advisors provide personalised support and guidance, helping students understand how things work, navigate campus resources, and connect with key services and opportunities. By fostering a supportive and informative environment, JMC's Onboarding Advisors help students feel confident and prepared as they embark on their educational journey with us.

You’ll soon start receiving emails with information about your Orientation, student ID, commencement date, timetable and a couple of other bits 'n' pieces.